Monday, May 26, 2014


        I hope everyone is enjoying the Memorial Day weekend - and taking time out to remember all those who lost their lives in service of our freedoms: humans, dogs, horses, carrier pigeons, and others.  
       As summer officially begins, I wanted to let everyone know that, at least for the summer, I will be posting less frequently.  Although everything I've read about blogging says that you MUST post at least one a week to develop any kind of following, I find that, having posted once a week since September, I need to take some time do some more reading, thinking, praying, reflecting - and even resting - if I am going to have anything to say that is worth reading.  I plan to post again in early July and then again in early August, and after Labor Day I will see where I am and let you know my plan going forward.  
      In the meantime, I will continue to post links to interesting things on the Dominion In The Image of God Facebook page.  Please check there - and "like" the page if you haven't already.  I may also post links here.  But I don't want to post just for the sake of posting, and theology on the fly isn't usually very good.   I believe the topic of revisiting our theology of animals is a critical one for Christians in a world of decreasing resources and increasing mistreatment of animals - it deserves careful consideration, not random thoughts. 
      I hope you will stick with me - and even help spread the word about this blog.  In the meantime, enjoy your summer, visit this page in early July and August, and maybe in between catch up on some earlier posts you may have missed! 
Photo credit: Lois Wye

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